A frontier of hardworking critters and cheatin' varmints awaits in Wild Tiled West!
Draft tiles to build new towns across the prairie and help your settlement grow. Defend your citizen from no-good-rotten outlaws. Strike it rich in the mines, or risk it all at the card table!
The West is wilder than ever! And it'll take clever strategy and a bit of luck to come out on top! Saddle up and ride off into the Wild Tiled West!
1-5 Players / Ages 13+ / 45-90 Minutes
8 Double-sided settlement boards
5 Mining tracks
4 Tile trays
96 Tiles
16 Partner cards
6 Dice used for prospecting tiles
30 Gold nuggets
35 Bullets/tombstones
15 Cowpokes
15 Hill bandits
25 Alley tiles
4 Cattle contracts
4 Fancy Saloon ace cards
12-card solo mode deck