Mutants in the Now reintroduced animal anthropomorphic action to modern role-playing. But the possibilities of life outstrip any single tome, opening up whole new vistas for players and gamemasters alike.
With 144 new species and breeds, increasing the total to over 275 total animal options, there’s more mutants than ever! With genemods, you can step beyond what nature intended. And the introduction of cryptids, mythical beasts, and Mokumon inject fresh strangeness into the array of animals.
New options for character creation:
Human-born mutants, humans who take on bestial mutations.
Wild, random mutations, from bioluminescence to thagomizers.
Age rules let you play a fledgling foal or a wizened walrus!
(Extra) ordinary humans; They aren’t even mutants at all, weird.
But there’s more: new combat styles, new psionic powers, new skills, new equipment, and more percentile tables than you can roll a die at!
Lastly, villains get their turn with a extended section: the robotic, mutant-catching minions of Proteus, Inc., the secret ninja tricks of Atama-Ryu, the post-apocalyptic future of Mutant Earth, and the all-new psychic menace of Sal Sidney and the Doom Toons!
It's time for mutants to be a little extra.