The Time Traveler’s Codex is a supplement for Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition that launches heroes into the fourth dimension. The Time Traveler’s Codex includes:
A brief history of time travel, and an overview on the structure of time and how it functions in the Earth-Prime setting.
Tips for deciding how time travel works in your campaign, complete with the consequences and hazards of meddling.
Advice on creating your own time-hopping series, including optional rules, suggested power levels, and temporal dangers that lie along the way.
Six causality-shaking villain archetypes who can harry heroes across the centuries, like the Immortal Conqueror and the Future Perfectionist, backed up by dozens of minions from across time and beyond!
Guidance for players building time traveling heroes, complete with new advantages, powers, and equipment as well as a half-dozen time-sliding hero archetypes, like the Quantum Alien and the Temporal Tourist!
Over a dozen different historical eras detailed, with rules guidance and statblocks for each, as well as adventure ideas and advice for setting individual adventures in that time period, or an entire campaign!