Dad has brought home a collection of rare artifacts from his latest excavation, and now pesky demons have possessed some of the children! Mom called the priest, who devised a scavenger hunt to find which of the artifacts brought the demons into the house, and which can help dispel the mischievous monsters.
Each player is secretly either an Innocent helping to gather the Holy Artifacts, or a Possessed attempting to trick the group into revealing Cursed Artifacts.
Mixed in with the Artifacts are Blessings that can award points during the game and demonic Mischief to distract the children from the hunt.
Played over 3 rounds, players are dealt cards to study, then shuffle and line up in front of themselves. On their turn, they'll select another player's face card to be revealed, then follow its instructions. The chosen player will then select another player's card to reveal. Cards are revealed in this way until enough Holy or Cursed Artifacts are exposed.
Each player will have knowledge of some of the cards, and to accomplish your goals you’ll need to discuss what you know with the group. Just be careful who you trust...