A thousand worlds lie atop one another, separated by veils thinner than a demon's mercy. With the right tools, travellers can slip the bonds of their own worlds and cross to others. However, these beings do not come with kindness in their hearts. Instead, they present a new and potent threat which you must combat on your quest. If the numerous enemies and challenges on the paths you walk were not enough, now the red phantoms reach out, clawing their way into your world to sow death and destruction.
These Invaders lurk in the shadows, waiting until you are worn down and weary, your blades blunted nad your shields splintered. They circle like wolves, waiting for the perfect moment to launch their strike and claim your souls for their own.
Will you fall like wheat before the scythe? Or will you stand your ground, face down these red spirits, and defend what is yours? Either way, they are coming.
Seekers of Humanity features special rules for Invaders and their unique treasures, which add a brand-new element of excitement and challenge to your encounters. Invaders hide among your enemies, ensuring you'll never know exactly when you'll have to face these new, terrifying faces.
In addition to these dark spirits, this expansion also includes plenty of fresh enemies and well as four distinctive bosses from the world of <i
This expansion also features two additional playable characters, the brave Warrior and the pious Cleric, as well as dozens of new treasures, all of which will enable you to further customize and evolve your own personal game experience.
2 Character Data Cards
5 Ember Cards
27 Enemy Cards
50 Invader Cards
10 Invader Tokens
56 Starting Deck Cards
39 Trasure Cards
1 Exploration Board
1 Rulebook